Today Dr. Partridge had me going through the questionaires/surveys from a guest lecture that she had sponsored. At first I was rather amused to find a survey from one of the Marywood proffs that read "It actually felt like a university for a day." I shared this with another MFA and we got a laugh out of it, but as the day progressed I started to become more and more bothered by this. After all the faculty are kind of like the DNA of the university, they are the ones who determine the character of the university and the students success is a direct mirror of the proff's abilities. This proffs statement raised the question that since this individual is such an integral part of the university then why aren't they doing something about it? Then I started to think about some of my own passive aggressive behavior, negativity, and about my work. Some of these thoughts centered back to the fact that the MFA's outside of their semester reviews do not really have group critiques. One of the adjunct profs had assigned us the task of trying to organize our own critique where we set the parameters last semester. The idea was met with tremendous negativity by a few people, it ended up lasting for six hours and was really a bit of a dud as far as critiques go, but rather than looking at what went wrong and learning and trying it again, the idea was dropped and ridiculed. Well I started thinking about something the Hoff had told me after looking at my work, that I'm a risk taker. I started thinking about that and I'm thinking about trying to set up another open critique thing.