Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Condition of the Times

Well my not so super secret identity is hospital/clinic cleaning lady.  It always amazes me and ticks me off when people leave material behind.  For example a few years ago there was a lawyer, who kept leaving advertising material in the bathrooms of the main lobby.  I've also come across detox crap, but by far the most are little religious booklets.  I came across one last week that I think was  frightening sign of the times.  It was another religious one, but it was also extremely Islamaphobic.  It was not just targeting ISIS it was going after all of Islam.  In particular it was going after immigrants and refugees.  I really do not understand how a hospital is the proper place to be leaving hate propaganda.  I do not think that the person who left that understands that some of the people working here are Muslim.  In particular there is a neurosurgeon here who is Muslim, he is the reason we are stroke certified.  I do not understand how they can view him as a threat.  I have even been in his office to clean it before.  There were no weapons of mass destruction; the dude likes growing peppers in his office. 

I was intending to scan and put these pictures on before, but I am quite lazy and easily distracted these days.  There was more to the little pamphlet, but I am not crazy about paying this too much lip service.  Of course it did not bother to go into how Mohammed eliminated female infanticide in the Middle East.  In Pre Islamic society it was also possible for women to have more than one husband, but they were not allowed to own property.  Due to the more than one husband thing cost of upbringing and education of children fell to the woman's family.  Consequently female babies were often killed.  Mohammed shifted the culture though to where women could own property, and due to not having more than one husband cost of the children shifted to the male.  I got that info from an audiobook from the library, The History of Islam or some such thing.  Unfortunately I do not remember the title from eight years ago, and nothing looked familiar on the library catalog.

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