Saturday, November 11, 2006

Koi fish, looks better in person


AAAdAAm said...

nice print.

two different plates or sawing?

Anonymous said...

It looks very liquid and moving;except for where the hawk grabbed the water and the fish and flew away with it.

Sarah the Viper Piper said...

It's just one plate that I double dropped, it's actually a scrap piece of copper from the Jewelry studio.

Sarah the Viper Piper said...

This one, just got a "well it's nice to look at, but not really interesting" comment at an open painting crit.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I like it. Experimentation is like that - some people get it and some people don't. You are never going to please everyone with what you do. If you get one person that does see's enough. Some people just need to grow a little more "insightfull" and have to catch up to where you are at.

mark phelan said...

i think that if people aren't interested in a print like this, they aren't looking hard enough. i would say it's a criticism of the viewer, not the artist.