Saturday, September 16, 2017


Maybe my understanding of flattening in schizophrenia is off.  My understanding of it is kind of a lack of emotion where the person does not get happy excited or as much to the opposite extreme.  I think it is typically described as a symptom, but I think it is more of a way of coping.  Again I am not sure if this counts for flattening, but I do better when I keep things as even keel as possible.  At first the emotional upheaval can be terrible to deal with.  I have found that my reaction matters because to some extent they mirror me and my reaction.  If I take their bate and respond all crazy they get worse.  Wants and desires will also mess a person up.  In my experience they would use them against me, so I do better when I let some of that go and focus on what is within my easy reach.

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