Sunday, July 09, 2017

More Diversity in Figure Models

I guess I am being critical of art education lately, but this is what I am thinking about today.  In my mind there is definitely a need for more of diversity in figure models in art education.  In my experience the models were typically thin white women in their 20's.  To some extent this may be a reflection of the people who tend to gravitate towards modeling.  I mean society tends to have a stigma against heavier peope.  I could see how heavier women may not even apply because society has drilled into them that they don't have the body for it.  Speaking as an artist I can think of two instances after college where I was presented with models who deviated from 20 year old thin white women.  Admittedly both instances were more of a struggle to me.  The first was a heavier Native American woman.  The struggle being how to deal with her proportions.  The second model being black; the struggle being getting her skin color right.  I do not think I was the only person struggling.  I heard other artists at that session making comments about her skin color, not negative comments.  It was more of a how do I handle this.  In my mind this is not a good thing.  A person coming out of an art program should have had more exposure to a variety of models.  It will only make stronger artists.

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