Monday, July 16, 2007

Mavericks and Miscreants of Art History

Caravaggio one of the greatest artists in history was also a bit of a miscreant. Reportedly when he mysteriously appeared in Rome he was "naked and extremely needy." Thanks to his skill as painter he was quickly able to gain work as a successful artist. Unfortunately the man liked to fight, and ended up accidently killing someone. Not even his painting could save him then, and he had to flee Rome. He went to Naples for awhile and then bounced over to Malta where he was inducted in as a knight of Malta. Yet again he got in trouble for fighting, this time he injured another knight, and was kicked out of the oder for being "a foul and rotten member." He ended up returning to Naples convinced that people were pursuing him, and he wasn't wrong about that. An attempt was made on his life, and for awhile people believed him to be dead until he opted to reveal himself; his face had been horribly disfigured. Friends he had in Rome were able to procure a pardon for him from the pope, but he died of a fever in 1610 en route to Rome.


Anonymous said...

You have touched on two artists that I put on a very high pedestal of art.They were excellent in the work they did in their lives.It is too bad that they had no skills in street fighting AND the sense to know when to fight or back away. Michelangelo might have saved his broken nose from being broken and Caravaggio may have lived longer; to paint and fight another day.

Anonymous said...

why not:)